Becoming A Conscious Couple: How to Connect & Communicate with Your Partner
We invite you to join us for this FREE, interactive, live monthly webinar! Get to know the workshop presenters, Emily and Trish, while also getting the helpful information about how to take the first steps towards becoming a conscious couple.
This webinar will give you and your partner the chance to learn how our brain can negatively impact communication and how our past experiences can affect how we behave in our present relationship. More importantly, you both will receive a practical tool that can immediately enhance communication and connection in your relationship.
This mini-workshop is designed for all types of relationships and all are welcome to attend, both couples and individuals!
The presenters, Emily Robins, LCSW and
Trisha Sanders, LCSW, are both Certified Advanced Imago Clinicians and Certified Imago Workshop Presenters.
Upcoming 2025 Webinar Dates:
January 14
February 18*
March 11
April 8
May 13
June 10
(*webinars, except for February,
are the 2nd Tuesday of the month
from 7:30-9:00 PM EST)
Email info@wholefamilynj.com with any questions.
To register for this month's webinar, click below!